CGSC Foundation CEO Published in Federal Times

On June 17, Federal Times published an op-ed penned by Command and General Staff College Foundation CEO Bob Ulin. Ulin’s op-ed examined the effect budget cuts may have on the future of interagency cooperation.  Ulin also suggested that increased agency participation in graduate-level military education courses, such as those offered by the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at Ft. Leavenworth, KS, may help facilitate interagency cooperation. Courses offered at CGSC include those focused on leadership, history, national security policy, strategy, logistics, planning, and operations. Ulin recognizes that non-military participation in courses offered at CGSC and other institutions like it will not instantly create interagency cooperation, but that such participation allows for deeper understanding of agency cultures, which in time brings about better interagency cooperation.

Bob Ulin is the co-founder and CEO of the Command and General Staff College Foundation, Inc., of which the Simons Center is a program. Ulin also co-founded the Simons Center in 2009.

For more information about Bob Ulin’s op-ed, please follow the link below.
Tight Budgets Could Bring Era of Interagency Cooperation, Federal Times

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