“I submit that the risk of not sharing [information] today is a lot greater than the risk of sharing.”


Interagency Bibliography The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is part of the Center’s mission to foster and develop an interagency body of knowledge and to promote the research, study, and analysis of interagency issues. The bibliography contains over 1,200 entries regarding interagency issues, and includes reports from the Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Research Service, professional publications by subject matter experts, and academic research from both military and non-military institutions. The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is organized by topic. Bibliography entries that involve more than one topic are grouped by the most relevant or prevailing topic. Users may follow the links below to navigate the bibliography, or they may use the website’s search engine located at the upper right of the page.

The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography was last updated 09/30/2016.

Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Thomas, Jeffrey L. Developing Geospatial Intelligence Stewardship for Multinational Operations. Master’s Thesis, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2010. (accessed 15 August 2011). This thesis examines geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) used for multinational operations. The author asserts that the GEOINT cell must train and exercise this stewardship through a shared vision that will […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Thomas, Gail Fann, Susan Page Hocevar, and Erik Jansen. A Diagnostic Approach to Building Collaborative Capacity in an Interagency Context. Acquisition Research Sponsored Report Series, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2006. (accessed 9 September 2011). This research focuses on imperatives of successful collaboration and aims to assist organizations in diagnosing their collaborative capacity.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Thomas, Gail Fann. Field Validation of Collaborative Capacity Audit. Acquisition Research Sponsored Report Series, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2007. (accessed 9 September 2011). This audit reviews a phase of a study that further develops and refines a collaboration capacity survey designed by the authors in 2003. The result was a refined set of […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Thomas, Craig W. Bureaucratic Landscapes: Interagency Cooperation and the Preservation of Biodiversity. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. This book explores the reasons for the success and failure of interagency cooperation, focusing on several case studies of efforts to preserve biodiversity in California. The book examines why public officials tried to cooperate and the obstacles they […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Thie, Harry J. Interagency and International Careers for Military Officers: Feasible and Advisable?. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2000. (accessed 19 July 2011). This research brief describes work documented in Interagency and International Assignments and Officer Career Management (MR-1116-OSD). The National Defense Research Institute researchers conclude that it would be feasible to adapt existing […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Thie, Harry J., Margaret C. Harrell, Robert M. Emmerichs. Interagency and International Assignments and Officer Career Management. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1999. (accessed 19 July 2011). This report provides an assessment of the feasibility and advisability of establishing a cadre of officers whose assignments and schooling would ensure a viable career track in which […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Theohary, Catherine A. and John Rollins. Terrorist Use of the Internet: Information Operations in Cyberspace. CRS Report for Congress R41674. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2011. (accessed 5 October 2011). This report examines the use of the internet in cyberattacks and methods for countering terrorist and insurgent information operations on the internet.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Tenne, Timothy T. 2007. Why the Military Can’t Do It All. Armed Forces Journal Vol. 144, no. 9 (April): 42-43. (accessed 20 October 2011). This article examines the imbalance of civilian and military power.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Taw, Jennifer, Marcy Agmon, Lois M. Davis. Interagency Coordination in Military Operations Other Than War. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1997. (accessed 19 July 2011). This research focuses on identifying how the interagency process – at the policy, operational, and field levels – can both complicate and enhance U.S. Army forces’ contributions to military […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Szayna, Thomas and Derek Eaton. Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporations, 2007. (accessed 28 July 2011). This monograph presents the results of a project entitled Improving Army Doctrine and Planning for Stability Operations. The primary emphasis of the changes is on ensuring a common U.S. […]

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