“I submit that the risk of not sharing [information] today is a lot greater than the risk of sharing.”


Interagency Bibliography The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is part of the Center’s mission to foster and develop an interagency body of knowledge and to promote the research, study, and analysis of interagency issues. The bibliography contains over 1,200 entries regarding interagency issues, and includes reports from the Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Research Service, professional publications by subject matter experts, and academic research from both military and non-military institutions. The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is organized by topic. Bibliography entries that involve more than one topic are grouped by the most relevant or prevailing topic. Users may follow the links below to navigate the bibliography, or they may use the website’s search engine located at the upper right of the page.

The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography was last updated 09/30/2016.

Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Olson, Eric T. Some of the Best Weapons for Counterinsurgents Do Not Shoot. LeTort Paper, Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College. Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, 2010. (accessed 15 August 2011). This paper examines reconstruction operations as a tool for counterinsurgency. The paper includes historical context, doctrine, and analysis of reconstruction operations. […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Olk, Jeffrey S. Exploring the Lack of Interoperability of Databases Within Department of Homeland Security Interagency Environment Concerning Maritime Port Security. Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2009. (accessed 27 September 2011). This thesis will discuss the lack of interoperability of databases between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. This thesis also […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

O’Leary, Rosemary and Lisa Blomgren Bingham. The Collaborative Public Manager: New Ideas for the Twenty-First Century. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2009. This book brings together original contributions by public management and public policy scholars who address cutting-edge issues that affect government managers worldwide. Topics include organizational design and performance, resource sharing, and contracting.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

O’Leary, Rosemary, Catherine Gerard, and Lisa Blomgren Bingham. 2006. Introduction to the Symposium on Collaborative Public Management. Public Administration Review Vol. 66, no. s1: 6-9. (accessed 17 October 2012). This article examines collaborative public management and includes examples of successful endeavors in the United States and the Philippines.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

O’Harren, Shannon, Trude V.V. King, Tushar Suthar, and Kenneth D. Cockrell. 2008. Information-driven Interagency Operations in Afghanistan. Joint Forces Quarterly, no. 51 (October): 145-147. (accessed 5 October 2011). This article includes information about interagency efforts in Afghanistan to assess the country’s natural resources. The effort came at the request of Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Limited Interagency Coordination and Insufficient Controls over U.S. Funds in Afghanistan Hamper U.S. Efforts to Develop the Afghan Financial Sector and Safeguard U.S. Cash. Arlington, VA: SIGAR, 2011. (accessed 27 September 2011). This report examines the weaknesses and shortcomings of U.S. efforts to develop the […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Office of Management and Budget. United States Government Inter-Agency Anti-Counterfeiting Working Group: Request for Public Comments Regarding Strategy to Eliminate Counterfeit Products from the United States Government Supply Chain. Federal Register Vol. 76, no. 153 (9 August 2011):48905-48907. (accessed 10 August 2011). This document is a request for written submissions from the public. The […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Oakley, Robert B. and Michael Casey, Jr. The Country Team: Restructuring America’s First Line of Engagement. Joint Forces Quarterly, no. 47 (October): 146-154. (accessed 5 October 2012). This article discusses the roles of U.S. embassies and country teams. The article includes information about CORDS and other civil-military coordinated efforts by DoD, State, and USAID.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Nuzum, Henry. Shades of CORDS in the Kush: The False Hope of ‘Unity of Effort’ in American Counterinsergency. LeTort Paper, Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College. Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army War College, 2010. (accessed 7 November 2011). This monograph examines the absence of a unified authority to guide American PRTs in Afghanistan, and […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Nofi, Albert A. Defining and Measuring Shared Situational Awareness. Center for Naval Analysis. Alexandria, VA, 2000. (accessed 5 October 2012). This report attempts to define “shared situational awareness,” exploring previous definitions and comparing individual and shared situational awareness. The report also explores options for measuring situational awareness.

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