Bibliography Category: Operations Other Than War

Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Hunter, Robert E., Edward Gnehm and George Joulwan. Integrating Instruments of Power and Influence: Lessons Learned and Best Practices. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2008. (accessed 20 July 2011). This report is a compilation, a synthesis, and an analysis of lessons learned and best practices regarding the integration of civilian and military intervention across the […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Howell, Patrick. “Unraveling CORDS: Lessons Learned from Joint Inter-Agency Task Force.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS 2009. (accessed 20 July 2011). This monograph asks three questions about the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) program: 1) Was CORDS an effective Joint Interagency Task Force for pacification?; 2) Was that […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Hoekstra, Robert and Charles E. Tucker, Jr. 2010. Adjusting to Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations. Prism Vol. 1, no. 2 (March): 13-26. (accessed 21 December 2011). This article examines the need for ongoing planning and coordination for stability and reconstruction operations.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Herbst, John E. Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations: Learning from the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Experience. Statement before House Armed Services Subcommittee. Washington, DC, 30 October 2007. (accessed 14 May 2011). In his statement before the House Armed Services Subcommittee, Herbst discusses stability and reconstruction operations, Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), and interagency coordination.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Heldt, Birger and Peter Wallensteen. Peacekeeping Operations: Global Patterns of Intervention and Success, 1948-2004, 3rd edition. Fyris Tryck, Sweden: Folke Bernadotte Academy, 2007. (accessed 27 March 2012). The authors examine the extent to which the United Nations and regional actors managed disputes through peacekeeping operations.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Heldt, Birger. Sequencing of Peacemaking in Emerging Conflicts. in Karin Aggestam and Annika Björkdahl’s War and Peace in Transition: Changing Roles of External Actors. Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press, 2009. (accessed 27 March 2012). Focusing on the period 1993–2004, this chapter statistically assesses whether the sequencing of peacemaking influences the probability of emerging intrastate […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Heldt, Birger. Peacekeeping operations and post-conflict transitions to democracy. in Hanne Fjelde and Kristine Höglund’s Building Peace, Creating Conflict. Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press, 2011. (accessed 27 March 2012). This chapter looks at the empirical record of international peace operations in terms of their impact on post-conflict transitions to democracy. Covering 1960-2005, this chapter […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Heldt, Birger. Mass Atrocities Early Warning Systems: Data Gathering, Data Verification and Other Challenges. Stockholm, Sweden: Folke Bernadotte Academy, 2012. (accessed 27 March 2012). This research note focuses on early warning of “atrocities”, which refers to deaths due to the targeting of civilians (non-combatants) by governments or rebels, and excludes indirect deaths caused by […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Heldt, Birger. Lessons Learned and Best Practices from the Western Balkans: Conference Proceedings of the Folke Bernadotte Academy, Stockholm, October 8-9, 2003. Universitetstryckeriet, Uppsala University, Sweden: Folke Bernadotte Academy, 2004. (accessed 27 March 2012). This paper examines conflict management and conflict prevention in the Western Balkans.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Heldt, Birger. 2009. Risks, Early Warning and Management of Mass Atrocities and Genocide: Insights from Research. Politorbis Vol. 47, no. 2: 65-70. (accessed 27 March 2012). This article examines methods to prevent genocide and mass atrocities, and stressed the need for early warning.

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