Defense Intelligence Agency urges intel sharing, cooperation
Newly appointed director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Army Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, recently spoke on the need for increased intelligence sharing in an interview with the American Forces Press Service. Flynn also discussed the need for further integration within the intelligence community.
In the interview, Flynn referred the DIA as a strategic advantage for the nation, and stressed that a fully integrated intelligence community is an asset to the nation’s security. The integration of the intelligence agencies and organizations contributes to a better prepared and informed intelligence community, and would prevent further “surprises” like 9/11.
Flynn also spoke about recent initiatives and improvements at DIA, including increased intelligence sharing across intelligence agencies. “Intel sharing in the 21st century is like money was in the last century; intelligence is currency,” said Flynn. Flynn went on to say that “Maybe intelligence is the currency we use among others to gain their trust and confidence.”
The Defense Intelligence Agency is made up of 17 intelligence agencies and organizations, and is a Department of Defense combat support agency.
For more information about the Defense Intelligence Agency, please follow the links below:
Flynn: Integrated Intelligence System Provides Advantages, American Forces Press Service
Defense Intelligence Agency
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