Interagency space center makes strides
On March 16, a key leader of the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center (JICSpOC) spoke of the center’s progress and importance at the AUSA Global Force Symposium in Huntsville, Alabama. JICSpOC promotes information sharing on space operations between the military and intelligence community, and it’s launch was announced last year by the Department of Defense.
Lieutenant General David Mann, commanding general of the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, discussed JICSpOC’s current operations, which focus on building combat power. According to Mann, JICSpOC has already finished two scenario runs and additional scenario runs are being planned.
Mann talked about JICSpOC’s role in coalition space operations that incorporate intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capacities. He also touched on JICSpOC’s future, saying “I think we’ll also see the JICSpOC down the road also providing an operational capability to augment what’s already provided by the Joint Space Operations Center” at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
For more information about JICSpOC’s progress, please follow the link below.
Interagency space center testing threats, building power, C4ISR & Networks
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