Report appraises U.S. border security
In June, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report addressing the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to secure the southwest border, interagency oversight and information sharing efforts related to the southwest border, and DHS management of assets used to secure the southwest border. The report, GAO-13-653T, was based on previous GAO reports and testimonies released between January 2008 and March 2013.
GAO-13-653T confirmed that DHS has either followed or intends to follow the recommendations set out in previous GAO reports. For example, while the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is in the process of developing the performance goals and milestones recommended in previous GAO reports, those milestones are not currently in place.
Also, DHS has similar opportunities to improve its management of border security assets. The report notes proposed border management efforts that have not yet been analyzed, and notes that these efforts should be analyzed to justify the types, quantities, and locations proposed in the plans.
While DHS still faces challenges in securing U.S. borders, DHS has made improvements in interagency coordination and information sharing. For example, DHS has made great strides in cooperating with other security and law enforcement agencies, but further actions are needed to uphold existing interagency agreements.
For more information on GAO-13-653T, please follow the link below.
GAO-13-653T, Border Security: Progress and Challenges in DHS Implementation and Assessment Efforts
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