Researcher looking for people who worked with Iraqi Army 2006-2011
Researcher Brian Humphreys is currently working on a dissertation in political science at Rutgers University that deals in part with the development of the Iraqi Army between 2006 and 2011. He is most interested in learning about Iraqi and American efforts to redefine the Iraqi Army’s cultural identity during this period, and how this might have been accomplished through the following:
- Creation of new institutions or training methods;
- Direct personal mentorship;
- The creation and use of national or other symbols in uniforms, flags, awards, official commemorations and ceremony;
- Reform of personnel policies, especially those concerning officer selection and promotion;
- Reform of career level military education.
Humphreys is looking to speak with U.S. personnel, both military and civilian, with deployment experience in Iraq that involved significant interaction with Iraqi officers, soldiers, local power brokers, and politicians. This includes MiTT team members, PRT and HTT members, officers commanding partnered units, intel analysts, or anybody that did a lot of key leader engagements that involved ISF and security issues.
Humphreys is a former Marine officer (2003-2010) with combat service in Iraq. He is concentrating in comparative politics and international relations at Rutgers, and was recently awarded a Boren Fellowship to complete his dissertation research overseas in Jordan.
If you would like to speak to Humphreys about your experiences with the Iraqi Army between 2006 and 2011, please contact him directly at 732.306.4992 or
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