Update on cybersecurity executive order
According to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano an Executive Order on cybersecurity, which started creating a buzz in early September, is still being reviewed by various departments, and will be issued once a “few issues” have been resolved.
The Executive Order would give DHS the authority to set up an information sharing network that would distribute “sanitized summaries of top-secret intelligence reports about known cyberthreats that identify a specific target.” The order directs DHS to work with the Pentagon, the National Security Agency, the director of national intelligence, and the Justice Department to establish the information-sharing mechanism.
Administration officials said the order became necessary after failed attempts to pass the 2012 Cyber Security Act earlier this summer.
For more information about the proposed cybersecurity Executive Order, please follow the links below.
Obama to Compromise on Cybersecurity Executive Order, Network World
Draft Order Would Give Companies Cyberthreat Info, Huffington Post
Executive Order to Address Cyber Security, Simons Center
For more information about the Simons Center’s Cyber Security Seminar, please follow the link below.
Cyber Security Seminar, Simons Center
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