News You Can Use: 10/12/16
National Security
What Keeps This FEMA Regional Administrator Up at Night?, Route Fifty
The World the Combatant Command was Designed for is Gone, War on the Rocks
Post-Hurricane Matthew cleanup begins for US military bases, surrounding communities, Stars and Stripes
Russia Hack of U.S. Politics Bigger Than Disclosed, Includes GOP, NBC News
U.S.: Mosul talk helps civilians, encourages defectors, Military Times
Washington Should Stop Militarizing the Pacific, The New York Times
Number of suicide attacks claimed by the Islamic State dipped in September, The Long War Journal
Hillary Clinton Unveils Plan to Stop Spread of ISIS, NBC News
G7 sets common cyber-security guidelines for financial sector, Reuters
What would a CYBERCOM-NSA split mean?, C4ISR Net
What would an independent Cyber Command look like?, C4ISR Net
Nyotron brings cloud-based cyber defence service to military, government, IHS
Public Health
And the fattest U.S. military service is …, Military Times
The Next Zika, Scientific American
A General’s New Mission: Leading a Charge Against PTSD, The New York Times
Public Health Labs Hope Federal Funds Will Speed Zika Test Results, NPR
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
Women, Children and Razor Wire: Inside a Compound for Boko Haram Families, The New York Times
Advocates: U.S. ready to try private refugee program again, Washington Examiner
Iwo Jima racing to Haiti loaded with sailors, Marines and relief supplies, Navy Times
More than 6,000 National Guard troops mobilize for Hurricane Matthew response, Military Times
Government & Military Personnel
3 Lessons to be a Bold Government Leader, Nextgov
Military-connected charities are popular during CFC but still see decline in contributions, Military Times
Feds Still Lack Faith That Poor Performers Are Punished, Government Executive
Post-9/11 veteran unemployment down again in September, Military Times
Top franchises for veterans — new 2017 rankings, Military Times
Contractors Group Files Suit Against ‘Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces’, Government Executive

Posted: October 12, 2016 by Simons Center
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