News You Can Use: 10/14/16
National Security
A Military View on Climate Change: It’s Eroding Our National Security, Government Executive
Dunford: Military families key to national security, Military Times
Need to detect drones? There’s an app for that, C4ISR Net
Federal Agencies Deploy Thousands of Feds for Hurricane Matthew Response, Government Executive
Pentagon joins Homeland, FBI in eyeing oversight, control of elections, Washington Examiner
State’s New Armed Drone Policy Confuses Ends With Means, Breaking Defense
Elusive Victories: How Counterterrorism Campaigns Can Link Back Up With Strategy, War on the Rocks
It has been 15 years and we still don’t know what will become of Afghanistan, The Washington Post
After U.S. blames Russia for hacking, what comes next?, C4ISR Net
Pence insists he and Trump agree on U.S. military plans for Syria, Military Times
How the next president can bridge the internet-cyber gap, Brookings
For Secret Service CIO, cybersecurity is the mission, Federal Times
Quiz: Are You the One Letting Hackers Into Your Agency?, Nextgov
How are cyberthreats evolving?, C4ISR Net
Guarding Pentagon Weapons Against Cyberattack, Aviation Week Network
Does NSA support of CYBERCOM blur lines?, C4ISR Net
Public Health
TRICARE Lowers Mental Health Care Co-Pays, Expands Treatment Options, Government Executive
Health conditions worsen as aid trickles into remote Haiti, Associated Press
Launch of new military health records system delayed until early 2017, Military Times
Zika Virus 6 Months Later, The Journal of the American Medical Association
Urgent Maternal Health, Protection Needs of Women, Girls Focus of UNFPA Response in Haiti, Relief Web
Pokémon Go’s immediate impact on public health: 144 billion steps and counting, Healthcare IT News
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
‘Women Survive. They Do Not Live.’, Foreign Policy
South Sudan’s Attacks on U.N. Could Imperil Future Peacekeeping, Foreign Policy
Airmen Detail Hurricane Relief Efforts in Haiti,
Is the British military opting-out of human rights?, Al Jazeera
Donald Trump is a Danger to the World, Says U.N. Human Rights Chief, Newsweek
Government & Military Personnel
Why Agencies Should Better Use Data To Make Pay, Leave Decisions, Government Executive
Congress must focus on VA’s jobs program for disabled vets, The Hill
To Fight Climate Change, Institute a Four-day Workweek, Government Executive
Veterans forced to wait in heat, stand for long periods of time at SA VA clinic, ABC
Both Political Parties Believe Next Administration Should Prioritize Performance Management in Agencies, Government Executive

Posted: October 14, 2016 by Simons Center
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