Simons Center News

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently published a follow-up review on firearms trafficking from the U.S. to Mexico. GAO’s original firearms trafficking report was published in 2009. In their recent report, GAO examines the origin of firearms seized in Mexico that have been traced by the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and […]

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As many readers of the InterAgency Journal noticed last November, the Simons Center recently conducted a survey of our readers. The survey was included in the Fall 2015 edition of the InterAgency Journal, and asked readers for their opinions on the Journal’s content and subject matter. The data gathered in the survey is being used […]

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Last week, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson met with the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) where he spoke about various homeland security issues and announced the appointment of two new members to the HSAC. In his remarks, Johnson spoke about the future of the department as his time as Secretary draws to a […]

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In late 2015, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report reviewing aspects of the cybersecurity standards and procedures developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) to protect U.S. critical infrastructure. The report follows up on the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014, and determines the extent to which NIST facilitated the development […]

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Navy Adm. Mike Rogers, commander of U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom) and director of the National Security Agency (NSA), laid out Cybercom’s strategic priorities for 2016 while at the Atlantic Council on January 21. “As we start 2016… I remind people that defense remains our No. 1 priority,” said Rogers. In his remarks, Rogers stressed the […]

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The Sanford School of Public Policy’s Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University recently published a report on the U.S. strategy to prevent homegrown violent extremism through community policing. The report focuses on how policing agencies can work with Muslim Americans and other communities to enhance public safety in the post-9/11 world. […]

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A December report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has shown that little progress has been made on the 2010 National Drug Control Strategy since GAO’s last review in 2013. The 2010 strategy laid out seven goals for reducing illicit drug use by 2015, however GAO reported in 2013 that the Office of National Drug Control Policy […]

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Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper recently announced the leadership of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC). CTTIC was created in February 2015. CTIIC’s new leadership team includes Director Tonya Ugoretz, Deputy Maurice Bland, and Research Director Thomas Donahue.  “I am confident this capable team will work seamlessly with intelligence community and federal partners […]

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RAND Corporation recently published a report assessing the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations in Afghanistan. The task force was a multi-year endeavor for the U.S. Department of Defense, and sought to use private-sector strategies to create sustainable economies in Iraq and Afghanistan. Task force operations began in Iraq in 2006, and operations began […]

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On Monday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a new partnership between the DHS Blue Campaign and the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights to raise awareness about human trafficking. The announcement was made as part of a series of DHS Blue Campaign updates that will be released during National Slavery and Human […]

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