Simons Center Deputy Director Published in Military Review
Military Review recently published an article authored by Simons Center Deputy Director Maj. Gen. Raymond Barrett, U.S. Army, Ret. The article appeared in the March/April issue of the Military Review, and explores the dynamics of interagency teams. The article examines interagency teams at the operational and tactical levels from four different perspectives.
Barrett cites two studies involving motives for collaboration. One study found that similar ideologies and cultures are an impetus for collaboration, while a second study founds that similar ideological and cultural characteristics alone are not enough to predict strong team behavior. Barrett identifies two types of power—authoritative and influential—and three impacts they have on interagency team dynamics: influence as the dynamic aspect of power; size and distribution of power; and the affect of power on stability. The article also examines the reward aspects of teaming, and how teams evaluate the appropriate distribution of awards. Barrett concludes the article with a review of decision making paradigms.
To read the article in Military Review, please follow the links below.
Dynamics of Interagency Teams, Military Review, March-April 2013
Military Review, March-April 2013

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