Simons Center Progress Report for 2012
It has been another great year for the Simons Center. The Simons Center topped last year’s busy production schedule, publishing four InterAgency Journals, three InterAgency Essays, four InterAgency Papers, one InterAgency Study, and a special follow-on report on the Greater Kansas City Cyber Security Seminar. The publications received considerable attention from readers, with over 4,190 online views and many request for additional copies. The publications also received praises from the Foreign Service Institute and the UN High Commissioner on Refugees, who “thoroughly enjoyed” the special edition IAJ on the prevention of mass atrocities and genocide.
This year, the Simons Center hosted many visitors, including visits by the Honorable Ike Skelton and Ambassador Ron Neumann. The Simons Center also participated in a number of events and conferences, including the Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop sponsored by the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, and the Greater Kansas City Cyber Security Seminar, which the Simons Center hosted in cooperation with the FBI Kansas City Division and Business Executives for National Security.
The 2012 progress report captures the Simons Center’s progress and reinforces the value of its interagency programs and publications. Included in the report is more information about the Simons Center’s publications, visitors, website, leadership, and events, as well as information detailing plans for the Simons Center’s future.
For the complete progress report for 2012, please follow the link below.
Arthur D. Simons Center Progress Report 2012
Posted: February 28, 2013 by Simons Center
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