Simons Center Awards CGSC Graduates
The Simons Center is pleased to announce the winners of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Interagency Writing Awards.
Mr. Anthony Volino, a student at the School of Advanced Military Studies receives his award for his monograph titled Leveraging the Trinity: A “Clausewitzian” Framework for Genocide Prevention. Major Hayes Weidman, a student at the Command and General Staff Officers Course, receives his award for his monograph titled Economics in Counterinsurgency: Analysis and Applying History’s Major Lessons on Economic Strategy.
Both winners will receive their awards during their respective graduation ceremonies.
The Simons Center sponsors these awards to encourage and recognize research and writing that advances the interagency body of knowledge and contributes to the discourse on improving interagency cooperation. The award winning monographs are also under consideration to be published as part of the Simons Center’s publication series.
For more information about the School of Advanced Military Studies graduation, please follow the link below.
SAMS Graduates Ready for Complex Problems, Ft. Leavenworth Lamp
SAMS 14-01 Graduation, Flickr
For more information about the Simons Center’s publications, please follow the links below.
InterAgency Journal
InterAgency Papers
InterAgency Essays
InterAgency Studies
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