Tag: Cold War
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Oct. 17, 2024, at the at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. The event featured a presentation on the Cold War by Jonathan M. House, Ph.D., professor emeritus of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. […]
... Read MoreThe CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Dec. 7, 2023, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members, some of whom also introduced their guests. As the lunch period was winding down Simons Center Deputy Director John Nelson introduced the […]
... Read MoreThe CGSC Foundation and its Simons Center hosted the third and final lecture of the 2023 Distinguished Speaker Series at the Riverfront Community Center in downtown Leavenworth, Kansas on Nov. 29, 2023. In this installment of the series, Dr. Mark Wilcox and Dr. Sean Kalic, professors at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, […]
... Read MoreThe CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted a Des Moines National Security Forum on July 19, 2023, with a luncheon event featuring a presentation by retired Colonel Bob Ulin at the Des Moines Embassy Club West in West Des Moines, Iowa. Brownells, headquartered in Grinnell, Iowa, was the Simons Center’s cohost for the event. Ulin, the […]
... Read MoreRussia’s recent operations in Crimea, Eastern Ukraine, and Georgia have disrupted a generation of relative peace and stability between Moscow and its Western neighbors… This article recommends that the U.S. Army needs to escape from the traditional American Way of War and see its role as part of a broader, whole-of-government and comprehensive, approach…
President Eisenhower characterized proxy warfare as the “cheapest insurance in the world.” He recognized the potential to accomplish national security objectives without direct U.S. military involvement by making relatively small investments in surrogate forces… Today, proxy warfare again provides the United States a way to compete below the level of armed conflict…
Featured article: Bureaucracy in Service of a Madman by Matthew Tompkins When President Nixon attempted his “Madman Theory” gambit to pressure the North Vietnamese into peace talks, he is said to have instructed Henry Kissinger to “slip word to them that ‘For God’s sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about Communism. We can’t restrain him when […]
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