Tag: Department of Defense (DoD)
The Congressional Research Service has released a report that examines the new strategic guidance set forth by the Department of Defense. The report also poses questions about how the changes will be implemented and what effect the changes will make…
... Read MoreOn Jan. 5, 2012, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta released new strategic guidance for the Department of Defense to articulate priorities for a 21st century defense that would sustain U.S. global leadership and prepare for future challenges…
... Read MoreThe Government Accountability Office released a report in July of this year detailing the need for common alignment of world regions among certain U.S. federal agencies. The report, GAO-11-776R, came as a response to Section 1055 of the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, which required an assessment of the need for common alignment of world regions in federal departments and agencies with international responsibilities…
... Read MoreOn May 10, the House Armed Services Committee favorably passed the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2013. The NDAA provides the authorities and structures necessary for funding the U.S. military, and includes authorities on interagency cooperation…
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