“I submit that the risk of not sharing [information] today is a lot greater than the risk of sharing.”


Interagency Bibliography The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is part of the Center’s mission to foster and develop an interagency body of knowledge and to promote the research, study, and analysis of interagency issues. The bibliography contains over 1,200 entries regarding interagency issues, and includes reports from the Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Research Service, professional publications by subject matter experts, and academic research from both military and non-military institutions. The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is organized by topic. Bibliography entries that involve more than one topic are grouped by the most relevant or prevailing topic. Users may follow the links below to navigate the bibliography, or they may use the website’s search engine located at the upper right of the page.

The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography was last updated 09/30/2016.

Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Naler, Christopher L. 2006. Are We Ready for an Interagency Combatant Command?. Joint Forces Quarterly, no. 41 (April): 26-31. (accessed 20 October 2011). This article argues that an integrated civil-military combatant command is the model for the United States to deter and defeat adversaries and engage regional partners in the 21st century. Properly structured […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Myers, Gene. 2002. Bomb and Bullets, Words and Cash: The Interagency Campaign. Armed Forces Journal International Vol. 139, no. 7 (March): 68-69. Additional information is not available.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Mushkatal, Alvin H. and Louis F. Weschler. 1985. Emergency Management and the Intergovernmental System. Public Administration Review Vol. 45: 49-56. (accessed 4 October 2012) This article expands on the importance of the intergovernmental policy system for emergency management. The article is largely speculative due to the lack of empirical knowledge about the relationships between agencies at […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Murtha, Anthony T. Defense Support to Civil Authorities: Surveying Institutional Challenges. Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2009. (accessed 15 August 2011). This monograph assesses the relevance of the statutes that define DoD’s constraints for conducting operations in the homeland and the adequacy of the current framework to determine if the […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Murdock, Clark A., Michele A. Flournoy, et al. Beyond Goldwater-Nichols: U.S. Government Defense Reform for a New Strategic Era, Phase 2 Report. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2005. (accessed 18 October 2011). This report is a continuation of the first Beyond Goldwater-Nichols report, and suggests that the reforms suggested in BG-N […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Murdock, Clark A., Michele A. Flournoy, et al. Beyond Goldwater-Nichols: U.S. Government Defense Reform for a New Strategic Era, Phase 1 Report. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2004. (accessed 18 October 2011). This report examines U.S. national security and concludes that the U.S. national security apparatus requires significant reforms to meet […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Munsing, Evan and Christopher J. Lamb. Joint Interagency Task Force-South: The Best Known, Least Understood Interagency Success. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 2011. (accessed 27 September 2011). This study attempts to fill the gap in knowledge about JIATF–South as a model for crossorganizational collaboration. It traces the evolution of the task force from […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Mungie, Timothy. Indigenous Police Forces in Counterinsurgency. Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2010. (accessed 15 August 2011). This monograph proposes that, if the Army faces an era of persistent conflict and chooses to assist indigenous forces, then paramilitary organization and U.S. military leadership make for effective indigenous police in counterinsurgency […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Munera, Antonio V., IV. Bridging the Gap Between Instability and Order: Establishing a Constabulary Capability in the Department of Defense for 21st Century Stability and Reconstruction Operations. Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2006. (accessed 12 August 2011). This monograph examines interagency cooperation and integrated action in stability and reconstruction operations. […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by the

Müller, Kurt E. 2011. Civil-Military Balance in Conflict Operations. InterAgency Journal Vol. 2, no. 1 (Winter): 45-57. (accessed 21 July 2011). This article examines civil-military operations. The author discusses the history of civil-military intervention from the time of Roman emperor Justinian to 21st century conflicts. The author pays particular attention to the Civilian Response Corps, […]

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