“I submit that the risk of not sharing [information] today is a lot greater than the risk of sharing.”


Interagency Bibliography The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is part of the Center’s mission to foster and develop an interagency body of knowledge and to promote the research, study, and analysis of interagency issues. The bibliography contains over 1,200 entries regarding interagency issues, and includes reports from the Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Research Service, professional publications by subject matter experts, and academic research from both military and non-military institutions. The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is organized by topic. Bibliography entries that involve more than one topic are grouped by the most relevant or prevailing topic. Users may follow the links below to navigate the bibliography, or they may use the website’s search engine located at the upper right of the page.

The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography was last updated 09/30/2016.

Posted: May 21, 2012 by the

Gage, Robert W. 1984. Federal Regional Councils: Networking Organizations for Policy Management in the Intergovernmental System. Public Administration Review Vol. 44, no. 2: 134-145. Additional information is not available.

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Posted: May 21, 2012 by the

Department of Homeland Security. Written Testimony of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations-Phoenix Special Agent in Charge Matthew Allen for a House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security Field Hearing Titled “Stopping the Flow of Illicit Drugs in Arizona by Leveraging State, Local and Federal Information Sharing.” 2012. […]

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Fraser, Douglas M. and Wendell S. Hertzelle. 2010. Haiti Relief: An International Effort Enabled through Air, Space, and Cyberspace. Air & Space Power Journal Vol. 24, no. 4 (Winter): 5-12. (accessed 19 January 2012). This article describes the innovative and swift application of air, space, and cyberspace resources by a broad international coalition led […]

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Franke, Volker. Security by Contractor: Outsourcing in Peace and Stability Operations. in Karen Gutteri’s  Complex Operations Case Studies Series Vol. 1. Washington, DC: Center for Complex Operations, National Defense University, 2010. (accessed 19 December 2011). This case study examines the activities and impact of private military contractors throughout recent history, with particular attention being […]

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Frandsen, Grey and Lynn Lawry, M.D. 2010. “NGO Structure, Authority, Standards, and Coordination.” Complex Operations NewsletterVol. 2, no. 11-02 (November): 69-73. (accessed 18 July 2012). This article describes the organizational and authority structure of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). It details the types of NGOs, codes of conduct, and discusses various government entities (such as the […]

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

American Academy of Diplomacy. Forging a 21st-Century Diplomatic Service for the United States through Professional Education and Training. Washington, DC: American Academy of Diplomacy, 2011. (accessed 19 July 2011). This is a report by the American Academy of Diplomacy and the Stimson Center regarding the necessity for a renewed emphasis on the diplomatic side […]

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Foreign Service Institute. “Programmatic Integration of Civil-Military Teams.” 2007. Additional information is not available.

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Fonzo-Eberhard, Christel and Richard L. Kugler. 2010. “Sizing the Civilian Response Capacity for Complex Operations.” Complex Operations Newsletter Vol. 2, no. 11-02 (November): 21-32. (accessed 5 October 2011). This article examines the capacity of civilian agencies to respond and contribute to complex operations. It discusses the dimensions in terms of manpower of a civilian […]

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Foerster, Paul S. “The Fire Service’s Role in Maritime Homeland Security.” Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterery, CA, 2011. (accessed 8 August 2011). This thesis examines the role of the fire service in maritime homeland security operations, and provides a framework that fire departments can use to enhance their capabilities.

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Posted: May 18, 2012 by the

Flynn, Michael T. and Charles A. Flynn. 2012. Integrating Intelligence and Information: Ten Points for the Commander. Military Review Vol. 92, no. 1 (January/February): 4-8. (accessed 25 January 2012). This article lists ten pieces of advice for commanders and leaders at every level as they seek to integrate intelligence and information in everyday operations.

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