“I submit that the risk of not sharing [information] today is a lot greater than the risk of sharing.”


Interagency Bibliography The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is part of the Center’s mission to foster and develop an interagency body of knowledge and to promote the research, study, and analysis of interagency issues. The bibliography contains over 1,200 entries regarding interagency issues, and includes reports from the Government Accountability Office and the Congressional Research Service, professional publications by subject matter experts, and academic research from both military and non-military institutions. The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography is organized by topic. Bibliography entries that involve more than one topic are grouped by the most relevant or prevailing topic. Users may follow the links below to navigate the bibliography, or they may use the website’s search engine located at the upper right of the page.

The Simons Center’s interagency bibliography was last updated 09/30/2016.

Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Donley, Michael. Rethinking the Interagency System, part 2. H&AI Occasional Paper 05-02. Washington, DC: National Defense University, 2005. (accessed 28 July 2011). This paper (part 2 of 2) explores how the scope and functions of the interagency system are being redefined through the introduction of new organizations and activities. It then discusses the results of […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Donley, Michael. Rethinking the Interagency System, part 1. H&AI Occasional Paper 05-01. Washington, DC: National Defense University, 2005. (accessed 28 July 2011). This paper (part 1 of 2) explores how the scope and functions of the interagency system are being redefined through the introduction of new organizations and activities. It then discusses the results […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Donkersloot, Erik, Sebastiaan Rietjens, and Christ Klep. 2011. Going Dutch: Counternarcotics Activities in the Afghan Province of Uruzgan. Military Review Vol. 91, no. 5 (September/October): 44-51. (accessed 14 October 2011). This article discusses the counternarcotics efforts of the Dutch military and other ISAF forces in the Afghan Province of Uruzgan. It describes the various […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Donahue, Patrick and Michael Fenzel. 2008. Combating a Modern Insurgency: Combined Task Force Devil in Afghanistan. Military Review Vol. 88, special edition (June): 74-89. (accessed 5 April 2012). This article describes the experience of Combined Task Force Devil, an interagency and multinational force tasked with carrying out counterinsurgency operations in an area of Eastern […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Donahoe, Adrian A. “Combing the Underworld: Identification of South East Asian Non-State Actor Proliferation Networks, Nodes, and Chokepoints.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2006. (accessed 12 August 2011). This paper addresses how the U.S. military can be prepared to identify potential proliferation networks and chokepoints in South East Asia. This […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Dombrowski, Michael P. “Improving Interagency Planning and Execution at the Operational Level: Creating a Stability and Reconstruction Component within a Joint Task Force.” Master’s Thesis, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2006. (accessed 16 June 2011). This thesis explores three distinct courses of action for improving operational interagency unity of effort and […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Doherty, Neil B. “Training Engineers with Industry.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2009. (accessed 15 August 2011). This monograph reviews Army doctrine involving stability operations and Defense Support to Civil Authority. The monograph also examines the training with industry program, which assigns officers to civilian industries to gain experience, and interagency […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Dobbins, James, John G. McGinn, Keith Crane, Seth G. Jones, Rollie Lal, Andrew Rathmell, Rachel M. Swanger and Anga R. Timilsina. America’s Role in Nation-Building: From Germany to Iraq. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2003. (accessed 20 July 2011). This report comprehensively details U.S. nation-building efforts around the world since World War II, and […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Dixon, Robert G. “Systems Thinking for Integrated Operations: Introducing a Systemic Approach to Operational Art for Disaster Relief.” Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2006. (accessed 12 August 2011). This monograph introduces the Systemic Operational Design (SOD) method of thinking as an approach to effective integrated operations and enhanced interagency cooperation. […]

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Posted: May 17, 2012 by the

Director of National Intelligence. United States Intelligence Community Information Sharing Strategy. Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2008. (accessed 8 March 2012). This document lays out a strategy to establish a new, more integrated culture within the Intelligence Community, and to share information better.

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