Simons Center News

TBT: On April 21, 2010, philanthropist and friend of the Foundation Mr. Ross Perot cut the ribbon signifying the grand opening of the Arthur D. Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation. Mr. Perot funded the establishment of the Simons Center to enhance interagency education and scholarship at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College…

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Today marks the tenth anniversary of the day the Simons Center first opened its doors and began its good work. “For the last 10 years we have all benefited from the valuable work the Simons Center has accomplished,” said CGSC Foundation President/CEO Rod Cox, and the Simons Center’s chief accomplishment is its publications…

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Posted: April 21, 2020 by

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (April 21, 2020) This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Simons Center and the work the Center does in the interagency arena. For 10 years the Simons Center has sought a better understanding of interagency operations and cooperation and ten years ago today, April 21, 2010, Mr. Ross Perot visited […]

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Egypt’s history and modern-day economy inextricably link to a healthy Nile River. However, large dam construction in upstream Ethiopia may soon jeopardize the strength of the Nile in Egypt. The case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam provides a window into the future and is instructive for the international community on the evolving nature of water insecurity…

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On April 10, Republican Senator Mitt Romney and Democrat Chris Murphy introduced a bill establishing a Global Health Security Interagency Review Council. Similar legislation passed the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in March. Romney and Murphy’s bill reaffirms the country’s commitment to global health amid the coronavirus crisis.

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TBT: CGSC Foundation Trustee Benny Lee plays his clarinet at one of many receptions he has hosted for the Foundation. Lee is noted for his entrepreneurial success, community leadership, and philanthropy, and was recognized as “Kansas City Philanthropist of the Year” in 2014. Recently the CGSC Foundation recognized Lee’s efforts by naming him their “Person of the Month.”

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The Abu Ghraib prison debacle, wherein the showcasing of prisoner abuse was strewn across the international media stage, stands out as a glaring missed opportunity for said U.S. military personnel to proactively gain intelligence and actionable information from prisoners… There are numerous online accounts and statements by U.S. military officials condemning the torture and murders that occurred at Abu Ghraib…

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TBT: Dr. Lee A. Norman, the State Surgeon of Kansas, presented a lecture entitled “Modern Epidemics: Why they occur and why we should worry!” on Monday, April 23, 2018. Dr. Norman spoke about public health issues facing the world at the time, as well as concerns for potential epidemics and pandemics.

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“The General and the Ambassador” podcast series has published a two-part interview with former NORTHCOM Commander General Chuck Jacoby and former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Tony Wayne. Ambassador (retired) Deborah McCarthy, General Jacoby, and Ambassador Wayne discuss U.S.-Mexico security ties and the U.S.-Mexico border…

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