Simons Center News

The eighth presentation of the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series for CGSC academic year 2020 was conducted March 12, in the Arnold Conference Room in the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. Stephanie Chetraru, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Distinguished Chair for Development Studies, spoke on the U.S. Agency for International Development’s […]

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Posted: March 13, 2020 by

More than 70 members of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Centurions Leadership Program visited Fort Leavenworth and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College on March 10, 2020, as part of their two-year program to explore the opportunities and issues of the Kansas City metro area. “Members of the Centurions are mid-level […]

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Retired Ambassador Deborah McCarthy, the 2018 DACOR Visiting Professor of Diplomacy for the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC), has expanded her podcast series “The General and the Ambassador: A Conversation.” McCarthy’s podcast promotes interagency cooperation and is produced […]

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The unstable global economic situation in conjunction with an ever-increasing fight for resources and power ensure future warfare will resemble the previous ten years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Moreover, the absolute necessity for close cooperation between both sides of the interagency, painfully learned during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), must permeate doctrine for the foreseeable future…

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The seventh presentation of the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series took place on February 25, and featured two agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Kansas City Division – FBI Supervisory Special Agent Dana Kreeger and Intelligence Analyst Kenneth Hines. Kreeger and Hines apprised the audience on the Bureau’s roles, responsibilities, and capabilities regarding a weapons of mass […]

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Interagency faculty members from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College met with CGSC Foundation leadership at the Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation on February 18. Attendees included Stephanie Chetraru, USAID; Ralph Erwin, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; Monique Guerrero, CGSC Interagency Fellowship Program; Roderic Jackson, Defense Intelligence Agency; and Kevin Rousseau, Central Intelligence Agency. At […]

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Featured article: When Diplomacy Fails: Consent, Risk and Modern Warfare by M. Shane Riza I sat on troop seats in the back of a KC-135 Stratotanker crossing the Atlantic the week before Christmas 1998. My feet were experiencing negative temperatures, while my head felt like it was in the tropics. Such is the environmental control […]

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Featured article: An Interagency Experience with the Department of Veterans Affairs by Khanh T. Diep The experience of the past decade of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan has demonstrated the value of holistic thinking and problem-solving. Terms such as “team of teams” and “interagency coordination” have become fashionable, as military leaders seek ways to deal […]

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Posted: February 12, 2020 by

On Feb. 10, the CGSC Foundation hosted a visit of 30 members of the 2019-2021 class of the Kansas Agricultural and Rural Leadership (KARL) program based at Kansas State University. To kick off the visit Foundation President/CEO Rod Cox provided the group with a short bus tour of Fort Leavenworth visiting the key historical sites […]

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