Simons Center News

On Feb. 26, Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich, the John H. & John M. Kane Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Kansas, led a discussion on the ethics of cyber defense in the Arnold Conference Room of the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. During his presentation Hoeflich discussed the ethical use of cyber weapons like […]

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National Security McMaster could leave WH after months of tension with Trump, CNN We’ve Lost the Opening Info Battle against Russia; Let’s Not Lose the War, Defense One US Army seeks new missile to counter drones, rockets and more, Defense News Trump says son-in-law’s clearance is up to Kelly, The Associated Press A two-year timeline […]

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National Security State of Defense, Defense One Trump Administration Ready to Scrap Envoy to Anti-ISIS Coalition, Foreign Policy Analysis: ISIS hasn’t been defeated, Long War Journal Trump’s Aimless War in Afghanistan Expands, Again, Defense One US doing little to combat Russia meddling in next elections, Fifth Domain New Report Notes Erosion of Pentagon’s Technological Advantage, […]

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The National Space Defense Center (NSDC) at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, is now operating 24 hours a day with a staff of 230. The NSDC began as a concept in late 2015 with the establishment of the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center (JICSpOC). The NSDC focuses on threats to military and spy satellites. These satellites provide communications, […]

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Featured article: Disaster Response: Lessons Learned from the May 2007 Greensburg Tornado by Bradley Jenkins On May 4, 2007, severe weather ravaged the midwest United States, wreaking havoc throughout the state of Kansas. As night fell on Kiowa County, a tornadic supercell developed, creating the conditions for a catastrophic tornado to form near the small town of Greensburg. At […]

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National Security The War America Isn’t Fighting, Politico Mueller’s Indictment Puts Details Behind Claims of Russian Interference, The Atlantic What Is the Internet Research Agency?, The Atlantic Foreign Disinformation is a Threat to Military Readiness, Too, Defense One Emails detail how senior U.S. military officers grappled with false Hawaii missile alert, The Washington Post Mattis: […]

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National Security The US Is Drifting Toward War With a NATO Ally, Defense One How the White House Gamed the Security-Clearance System, The Atlantic ‘Federally Supported, State Managed, Locally Executed’ Disaster Recovery, Route Fifty The Looming National Security Crisis: Young Americans Unable to Serve in the Military, The Heritage Foundation Terrorism challenges in Africa take […]

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On February 12, President Trump submitted to Congress his proposed Department of Defense (DoD) budget for Fiscal Year 2019. The FY 2019 budget focuses on restoring and rebuilding America’s military, requesting $716 billion for national security, of which $686 billion is designated for DoD. The FY 2019 budget was developed to implement the 2018 National Defense […]

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Featured article: Addressing a Spectrum of Threats: Interagency Challenges to Mitigating Threats and Safeguarding Liberties by Harry Phillips “In my judgment the most important political rules are: never relax vigilance; expect nothing from the magnanimity of others; never abandon a purpose until it has become impossible, beyond doubt, to attain it; hold the honor of the state as […]

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National Security How to Win a Great-Power Competition, Foreign Policy 150 retired generals ask Congress not to cut diplomatic spending, Washington Examiner Pentagon unveils $686 billion military budget for FY19, Defense News Here’s How U.S.-North Korea Crises Typically End, The Atlantic Ex-CIA analysts explain why a bloody nose policy on North Korea would backfire, Brookings […]

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