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Stringer, Kevin D.

Stringer, Kevin D. 2010. Interagency Command and Control at the Operational Level: A Challenge in Stability Operations. Military Review Vol. 90, no. 2 (March/April): 54- 62. (accessed 2 August 2011). This article examines the need for an integrated mix... Read More

Stephenson, James, Richard McCall, and Alexandra Simonians

Stephenson, James, Richard McCall, and Alexandra Simonians. 2010. Not in Our Image: The Challenges of Effective Peace-Building. Prism Vol. 1, no. 2 (March): 123-132. (accessed 20 November 2012). This article deals with the question why the international community has been... Read More

Stephenson, James

Stephenson, James. Losing the Golden Hour: An Insider’s View of Iraq’s Reconstruction. Dulles, VA: Potomac Books, 2007. This book examines post-conflict reconstruction in Iraq. The book offers an informed assessment of Iraq’s future.

Skelton, Ike

Skelton, Ike. 2008. America’s Frontier Wars: Lessons for Asymmetric Conflicts. Military Review Vol. 88, special edition (June): 2-7. (accessed 5 April 2012). In this article, the author suggests that to overcome the threat of asymmetrical warfare, one must study... Read More

Serafino, Nina M. and Martin A. Weiss

Serafino, Nina M. and Martin A. Weiss. Peacekeeping and Post-Conflict Capabilities: The State Department’s Office for Reconstruction and Stabilization. CRS Report to Congress RS22031. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2005. (accessed 13 March 2012). This report examines the State... Read More

Serafino, Nina M.

Serafino, Nina M. Peacekeeping/Stabilization and Conflict Transitions: Background and Congressional Action on the Civilian Response/Reserve Corps and other Civilian Stabilization and Reconstruction Capabilities. CRS Report for Congress RL32862. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2009. (accessed 5 October 2011). This... Read More

Schnaubelt, Christopher M.

Schnaubelt, Christopher M. 2005. After the Fight: Interagency Operations. Parameters Vol. 35, no. 4 (Winter): 47-61. (accessed 6 November 2012). This article examines post-major conflict operations in Iraq as of 2005. The author also discusses failures in planning and executing... Read More

Schear, James A. and Leslie B. Curtin

Schear, James A. and Leslie B. Curtin. 2010. Complex Operations: Recalibrating the State Department’s Role. Complex Operations Newsletter Vol. 2, no. 11-02 (November): 33-46. (accessed 5 October 2011). This article examines the role of the State Department in stabilization operations,... Read More

Riegg, Nicholas

Riegg, Nicholas. IAP 2 (November), Principles, Mechanisms, and Practicalities for Interagency Operations. Fort Leavenworth, KS: CGSC Foundation Press, 2010. (accessed 22 July 2011). This paper looks at interagency cooperation and coordination as it relates to national security issues in... Read More

Riegg, Nicholas

Riegg, Nicholas. 2010. Concepts and Systems for States in Crisis. InterAgency Journal Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall): 33-40. (accessed 21 July 2011). This article discusses government and military approaches to addressing the challenges of post-conflict contingences, failed and failing states,... Read More

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