Search Results

Col. Arthur D. Simons Center announces winners of the 2010 Faculty Writing Competition

Winners of the 2010 CGSC Faculty Writing Contest: First Place: Major Leonard Lira, Department of Joint, Interagency and Multinational Operations. “Searching for the Philosopher’s Stone: An Integrative Approach to the Problems in the Interagency Process” Second Place: James Cricks, Department... Read More

IAE 10-01 About Interagency Cooperation

InterAgency Essay 10-01, September 2010 by Bob Ulin <download a pdf version of this essay in English> <download a pdf version of this essay in Russian> in·ter·a·gen·cy adj. Involving or representing two or more agencies, especially government agencies. In recent... Read More

Announcing The Simons Center Faculty Writing Competition for 2010

The Colonel Arthur D. Simons Center for the Study of Interagency Cooperation is dedicated to fostering and developing scholarship in interagency affairs that enhances education and discourse at the Command and General Staff College while facilitating broader and more effective... Read More

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