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Müller, Kurt E

Müller, Kurt E. 2011. Civil-Military Balance in Conflict Operations. InterAgency Journal Vol. 2, no. 1 (Winter): 45-57. (accessed 21 July 2011). This article examines civil-military operations. The author discusses the history of civil-military intervention from the time of Roman emperor... Read More

Morales, Louis W.

Morales, Louis W. Post-Conflict Stability Operations and the 1989 United States Invasion of Panama. Master’s Thesis, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2007. (accessed 16 June 2011). This study investigates the challenges of planning stability operations following... Read More

McCoy, Kellie J.

McCoy, Kellie J. Creating Effective Post-Conflict Transition Organizations: Lessons from Panama, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Master’s Thesis, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2008. (accessed 16 June 2011). This thesis examines four post-conflict transition organizations: the Military... Read More

Lucynski, John A., III

Lucynski, John A., III. An Interagency Reform Act: Preparing for Post-Conflict Operations in the 21st Century. Strategy Research Project, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 2005. (accessed 6 October 2011). This paper asserts that current national security... Read More

L’Etoile, Joseph A.

L’Etoile, Joseph A. 2011. Transforming the Conflict in Afghanistan. Prism Vol. 2, no. 4 (September): 3-16. (accessed 14 October 2011). This article examines the conflict in Afghanistan, including security challenges and strategies to help prepare the Afghan population to... Read More

LaPlume, Christie E.

LaPlume, Christie E. Plugging in the Gap: A Comparative Review of Variables that Affect Civilian Deployment Capacity. MCWAR Papers: Preparing for an Era of Persistent Conflict, Marine Corps War College. Quantico, VA: Marine Corps War College, 2010: 1-24. (accessed... Read More

Laferriere, Roger R.

Laferriere, Roger R. “The Case for a National Risk Communications Strategy for Mitigating Terrorist Attacks.” MCWAR Papers: Preparing for an Era of Persistent Conflict, Marine Corps War College. Quantico, VA: Marine Corps War College, 2010: 137-162. (accessed 7 September... Read More

Kramer, Franklin D.

Kramer, Franklin D. Irregular Conflict, the Department of Defense, and International Security Reform. Alexandria, VA: Center for Naval Analysis, 2011. (accessed 26 January 2012). This report offers a series of recommendations on how to undertake irregular conflicts in a... Read More

Johnson, Gregory, Vijaya Ramachandran, and Julie Walz

Johnson, Gregory, Vijaya Ramachandran, and Julie Walz. 2012. CERP in Afghanistan: Refining Military Capabilities in Development Activities. Prism Vol. 3, no. 2 (March): 81-98. (accessed 6 March 2012). This article argues that the U.S. military is substantially engaged in... Read More

Hunter, Robert E., Edward Gnehm and George Joulwan

Hunter, Robert E., Edward Gnehm and George Joulwan. Integrating Instruments of Power and Influence: Lessons Learned and Best Practices. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2008. (accessed 20 July 2011). This report is a compilation, a synthesis, and an analysis of... Read More

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