Search Results

Col. Arthur D. Simons Center Announces Winners of the 2011 Faculty Writing Competition

Winners of the 2011 CGSC Faculty Writing Competition First Place: Dr. Nathan W. Toronto, School of Advanced Military Studies “Active Inaction: Interagency Security Assistance to Egypt” Second Place: Dr. William J. Davis, Department of Joint, Interagency and Multinational Operations “After... Read More

Simons Center Announces Public Writing Competition

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (Sept. 12, 2011) The Col. Arthur D. Simons Center for the Study of Interagency Cooperation is pleased to announce its Interagency Writing Competition for 2012.  The competition is open to the public and recognizes papers that provide... Read More

U.S. Government Departments and Agencies

A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Central Intelligence Agency Dept. of Agriculture  Dept. of Commerce  Dept. of Defense  Dept. of Education Dept. of Energy Dept. of Health and Human Services Dept. of... Read More

Study recommends improved professional education and training for diplomats

In the 21st century, the relatively small U.S. citizen workforce of the Foreign Service must cover duties ranging from the traditional promotion of foreign and economic policies, treaty negotiation, crisis prevention and management, and protection of American citizens to a... Read More

IAE 11-01 Converging on Whole-of-Government Design

InterAgency Essay 11-01, April 2011 by Rick Swain In 2010, at a conference held by the Cornwallis Group, an international organization interested in peace operations and whole-of-government approaches, Dr. Cynthia Irmer, Senior Conflict Prevention Officer for the Department of State... Read More

IAP 4 (April 2011) Inception, Challenges, and Impact on S/CRS

by Major Jay Liddick and Dr. David A. Anderson Like the post-9/11 Bush administration, the Obama administration must confront numerous security threats to U.S. national interests at home and abroad. The Obama administration, however, has the added challenge of a... Read More

InterAgency Journal 2-1 (Winter 2011)

Interagency Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Winter 2011 (click image to download pdf of complete issue) Inside this issue: Features What “Right” Looks Like in the Interagency: A Commander’s Perspective by William “Kip” Ward Interagency Cooperation: An Ambassador’s Perspective by... Read More

IAP 2 (Nov 2010)- Principles, Mechanisms, and Practicalities for Interagency Operations

by Nicholas H. Riegg The military’s relatively new “full spectrum” approach to warfare emphasizes that military and other U.S. interagency partners must address the full gamut of needs of nations defeated in war or ravaged by natural or manmade catastrophes.... Read More

PKSOI Conference- “Transitions: Issues, Challenges and Solutions”

"TRANSITIONS: Issues, Challenges and Solutions" is a three-day international conference hosted by the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute at the U.S. Army War College in historic Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. The conference brings together key thinkers and practitioners from... Read More

IAP 1 (October 2010)- Assessing the Effectiveness of Agricultural Advisor Projects in Afghanistan

by Karisha Kuypers, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Professor David A. Anderson, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Afghanistan once had a well-developed and productive agricultural sector. As late as 1978, the country was self-sufficient in cereal grains and... Read More

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