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Bradley, Douglas A.

Bradley, Douglas A. 2011. Forging an Arctic Alliance: Canadian-U.S. JIATF-Arctic. The Culture and Conflict Review, online journal (April). (accessed 1 August 2011). This essay argues for the creation of a combined joint interagency task force (CJIATF-A) between the US... Read More

Bogdanos, Matthew

Bogdanos, Matthew. Transforming Joint Interagency Coordination: The Missing Link Between National Strategy and Operational Success. Case Studies in National Security Transformation No. 9. Fort McNair, DC: National Defense University, 2007. (accessed 10 January 2012). This study traces the development... Read More

Bodine, Barbara K.

Bodine, Barbara K. 2010. “Preemptive Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction.” Complex Operations Newsletter Vol. 2, no. 11-02 (November): 63-68. (accessed 5 October 2011). This article critiques the post-conflict planning (or lack thereof) in Iraq following the ouster of Saddam Hussein’s... Read More

Bensahel, Nora

Bensahel, Nora. 2006. A Coalition of Coalitions: International Cooperation against Terrorism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Vol. 29, no. 1: 35–49. (accessed 22 March 2012). This paper discusses the problems of being part of a “coalition against terror”. Multiple... Read More

Bensahel, Nora and Patrick M. Cronin

Bensahel, Nora and Patrick M. Cronin. America’s Civilian Operations Abroad: Understanding Past and Future Requirements. Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security, 2012. (accessed 17 January 2012). This report seeks to identify trends in post-conflict contingency operations conducted... Read More

Barlow, Dennis

Barlow, Dennis. The Kuwait Task Force: Postconflict Planning and Interagency Coordination. in Karen Gutteri’s Complex Operations Case Studies Series Vol. 4. Washington, DC: Center for Complex Operations, National Defense University, 2010. (accessed 19 December 2011). This article is about... Read More

Bailey, Desmond V.

Bailey, Desmond V. “Recognizing Signposts: Anticipating the Future Role of the Corps.” Monograph, School of Advance Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2011. (accessed 12 August 2011). This study examines four historical contexts featuring corps headquarters performing their doctrinal roles, and indentified... Read More

Armstrong, Nicholas J. and Jacqueline Chura-Beaver

Armstrong, Nicholas J. and Jacqueline Chura-Beaver. “Harnessing Post-Conflict Transitions: A Conceptual Primer.” PKSOI Paper, Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College. Carlisle, PA: U.S Army War College, 2010. (accessed 12 August 2011). This monograph addresses the topic of... Read More

Anderson, David A.

Anderson, David A. IAE 12-01W, Multilateralism and U.S. Interagency Economic Development Efforts. Fort Leavenworth, KS: CGSC Foundation Press, 2012. (accessed 18 January 2012). This essay investigates collaboration among the U.S. interagency and multilateral development-promoting organizations, financial institutions, and initiatives.... Read More

Alzate, Ruben D.

Alzate, Ruben D. “How Colombian Interagency Cooperation Reestablished Security and Strengthened Democracy.” Strategy Research Project, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 2010. (accessed 6 October 2011). This paper examines the impact that interagency cooperation has had on... Read More

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