Publications Category: Interagency Essays

by Christopher Lamb and Edward Marks

In this essay we argue that the interagency integration problem can be rectified by expanding the President’s power to delegate a modified “chief of mission” authority similar to that granted ambassadors to oversee and direct the activities of employees from diverse government organizations working in a foreign country…

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by Rick Swain

This paper argues that USAID and military problem-solving approaches are converging, and broadly understood techniques of design offer the best synthesis for achieving unity of effort in whole-of-government operations.

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by Major Edward Lee Bryan, U.S. Army &
Lieutenant Colonel David Pendall, U.S. Army

For years, the federal government has grappled with the question of how best to consolidate its response to a major crisis—that is, to share relevant information to create unity of purpose while preserving the operational effectiveness of each agency or component…

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by Bob Ulin

In recent years there has been much discussion, frustration and angst about the lack of cooperation and coordination between and among agencies and departments of the federal government in response to disasters (natural and manmade) and overseas contingencies…

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