Tag: collaboration
According to a new Government Accountability Office report, interagency programs would benefit from more Congressional oversight. The report also details the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of 2010, which calls for increased interagency cooperation as a way of achieving meaningful results…
... Read MoreAccording to a recent survey, 65% of federal managers say budget pressures will increase the importance of interagency collaboration. The survey revisted the idea of “smart power”…
... Read MoreThe domain names of 150 commercial websites have been seized as part of a federal law enforcement operation. The seizure is a coordinated anti-counterfeiting effort of the Department of Justice, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement…
... Read MoreThe Project on National Security Reform envisions a collaborative, agile, and innovative system that would combine all elements of national strength, integrating intelligence, making timely and informed decisions, and taking decisive action. A transformed national security system would be characterized by a broadened and re-balanced concept of national security…
... Read MoreThe U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently signed agreements with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHSMA) to enhance information sharing among the agencies…
... Read MoreThe Government Accountability Office released a report in July of this year detailing the need for common alignment of world regions among certain U.S. federal agencies. The report, GAO-11-776R, came as a response to Section 1055 of the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, which required an assessment of the need for common alignment of world regions in federal departments and agencies with international responsibilities…
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