Simons Center News

National Security   The Man McMaster Couldn’t Fire, The Atlantic Look Out For Falling “Sacks of Drugs” Over the Border Wall, Government Executive The Dangerous Politicization of the US Military, Defense One USAID and State: On Marrying Bears and Frogs, Real Clear Defense How ISIS nearly stumbled on the ingredients for a dirty bomb, The […]

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National Security   Trump suggests that more troops might be needed in Afghanistan, The Washington Post Justice Department Takes Drug War To Dark Web Markets, Nextgov Homeland Security Frustrates Some Who Want Action on Russian Hacking, Government Executive Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow, The […]

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Earlier this month the New York Times published a piece detailing how hackers have been targeting the computer networks of nuclear power stations, energy facilities, and manufacturing plants. The revelation came from a joint report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and was confirmed by security specialists who responded to […]

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Featured article: Interagency: Nice to Talk About… Hard to Do by David Eaton and Gus Otto The interagency concept is not a new paradigm, nor can it be considered the panacea to every problem set. Recent articles in the Simons Center’s InterAgency Journal explain well the considerable challenges present within interagency operations and interagency education. Interagency briefs well. […]

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National Security   Trump’s Incredible Shrinking Border Wall, The Atlantic Government debates need for military Space Corps, The Hill In memo, Trump administration weighs expanding the expeditated deportation powers of DHS, The Washington Post The Trump Administration Doesn’t Want a Winner for Its Wall Competition, Foreign Policy Mattis on 2018 Budget: ‘We Have Got to […]

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National Security   How a U.N. treaty on nuclear weapons makes international security policy more inclusive, Brookings What Comes After ISIS?, Foreign Policy Perry: Hacking threat to US nuclear reactors ‘real,’ ongoing, Fifth Domain Cyber Why Mexican Security is Crumbling – and How That Matters Here, The Cipher Brief We Need to Focus on Space; We […]

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Featured article: Disrupting the Foreign Fighter Flow: Interdiction and Prosecution by Jan Schwarzenberg U.S. persons traveling to other lands to become foreign fighters are a threat to domestic security in the U.S. Numerous reports over the past decade note the presence of foreign fighters arriving in conflict areas such as Iraq and Syria to take part in […]

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National Security   Hackers Are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say, The New York Times The Spies of the ‘Five Eyes’ Need to Speed Up Intel-Sharing, Defense One Trump’s Budget Would Leave U.S. Ports Open to Nuclear Threat, Foreign Policy Report: Army improperly tracked sarin, other chemical agents, Army Times North Korea […]

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Last month, U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the FBI led the sixth annual, week-long Cyber Guard exercise in Suffolk, Virginia. Over 700 participants from across U.S. government and military, as well partners in academia, industry, and around the world took part in the event. Cyber Guard 2017 pitted Cybercom’s […]

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National Security   Trump Weighs a ‘Pretty Severe’ Response to North Korea’s ICBM Test, The Atlantic North Korean missile advances put new stress on US defenses, The Associated Press Government Wants To Detect Bio-Engineered Threats, Nextgov U.S. Army and South Korean military respond to North Korea’s launch with missile exercise, The Washington Post Judge allows […]

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