Tag: Joint Interagency Intergovernmental and Multinational (JIIM)
As part of the Simons Center Distinguished Speaker Series, Professor Mark R. Wilcox, Associate Professor and LTG William Eldridge Odom Chair for Joint, Interagency, and Multinational Studies at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College presented a talk titled, “Meeting the Russian Challenge in a Competitive Security Environment: Whither America’s National Interests,” to a […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Why We Can’t All Just Get Along: Overcoming Personal Barriers to Inter-Organizational Effectiveness and Finding Your Personal Coupler for Success by William J. Davis, Jr. DoD placed Pakistan and India in separate geographic combatant commands in order to foster U.S. military relationships with each country, given their history of tension and conflict. In contrast, […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Why We Keep Getting it Wrong: What Makes the JIIM so Different? by William J. Davis, Jr. When I told a senior military officer who had spent significant time working on Capitol Hill and who had deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan that I was thinking about writing on the leadership challenges within the […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: A Call for Synchronization of Civil Information Management by Michael L. Jones Special operation forces (SOF) and interagency partners face unique challenges when conducting civil information management (CIM) within the joint interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) environments. Information management requires a streamlined technologic system that reduces redundant technological platforms for civil information sharing. Currently, […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Synchronizing America’s Humanitarian Strategy in the Wake of Operation United Assistance by Megan McWilliams, Daniel Wiggins and Matthew Wunderlich In 2014, the U.S. led the global response to the escalating Ebola pandemic in West Africa. The crisis spurred numerous interagency, multinational, and intergovernmental entities to unite and provide foreign humanitarian assistance (FHA) through […]
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