Simons Center News

On March 16, a key leader of the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center (JICSpOC) spoke of the center’s progress and importance at the AUSA Global Force Symposium in Huntsville, Alabama. JICSpOC promotes information sharing on space operations between the military and intelligence community, and it’s launch was announced last year by the Department of Defense. […]

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Six interagency teams from the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) were recently chosen to present at the D3 Innovation Summit on March 2. The Summit was a joint initiative of State, DoD, and USAID, and brought together experts from across the U.S. government and the private sector […]

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Posted: March 11, 2016 by

The U.S. Army Command and General Staff College’s School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) and the CGSC Foundation cohosted a National Security Roundtable program March 8-9, 2016 at the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Participating in this NSRT program were 16 business leaders from varied industries and professions, including banking and financial […]

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The Combined Arms Center has announced the 2016 General William E. DePuy Writing Competition. This year’s theme is “Educating the Force: What is the Right Balance between Training and Education?” The contest closes July 11, 2016. Possible topics include but are not limited to: Do soldiers really need higher education? If so, to what level? Are […]

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Posted: March 10, 2016 by

As part of an on-going series of lectures intended to educate the public about World War I during its 100-year commemoration, Dr. Richard Faulkner, a professor of history at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, presented “Verdun: The Bleeding of Nations” in the Arnold Conference Room of the Lewis and […]

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Posted: March 10, 2016 by

The two-day Command and General Staff College Foundation Women’s Conference March 2-3 at the Frontier Conference Center offered informative sessions led by female community leaders on subjects of interest to women designed to inspire, educate and motivate them and was open to all female active-duty service members, retirees, spouses, international spouses, government employees and contractors […]

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Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford praised Joint Interagency Task Force South (JIATF South) for their anti-drug efforts during his visit on March 8. Dunford said he was impressed by the professionalism, expertise, and dedication exhibited by the members of the task force. JIATF South is an interagency […]

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On March 2, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter spoke at the RSA Conference in San Francisco. The RSA Conference was part of Secretary Carter’s West Coast trip to discuss technology and cybersecurity with the nation’s top innovative industries. At the conference, Carter engaged in a “fireside chat” with moderator Ted Schlein, a partner at Silicon Valley’s venture-capital […]

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Last week the State Department submitted the 2016 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) to Congress. The two-volume report offers a comprehensive assessment of the efforts of foreign governments to reduce illicit narcotics production, trafficking and use, in keeping with their international obligations under UN treaties, while also presenting information on governments’ efforts to counter money […]

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On February 25, the Departments of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) announced their ongoing effort to ease the transition from the DoD system to the VA for service members in need or complex care management. The interagency effort is meant to ease the burden for service members and veterans who have suffered severe illnesses […]

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