Simons Center News

Earlier this month the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the formation of the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Task Force. The CVE Task Force will be an interagency group focused on strengthening U.S. government efforts to prevent extremists from radicalizing and mobilizing recruits, especially within the U.S. In his announcement of the CVE Task Force, […]

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Posted: January 13, 2016 by

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the academic accrediting body for the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, is preparing to visit CGSC Feb. 28 – March 1 to conduct a standard periodic comprehensive evaluation. Successful completion of this evaluation is required in order for the College to keep its accreditation and continue to confer […]

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Last month the White House released a new strategy to improve the U.S. government’s participation in the development and use of international standards for cybersecurity. White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Michael Daniel announced the report detailing the new strategy. The report was authored by a working group within the National Security Council’s cyber interagency policy committee, […]

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On January 5, the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF) released a fact sheet detailing some of PITF’s recent accomplishments. PITF’s anti-trafficking efforts focus on rule of law, victim services, procurement and supply chains, and public awareness and outreach. The fact sheet provides an update on anti-trafficking efforts, including […]

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The Arthur D. Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation is again accepting article submissions for their flagship publication, the InterAgency Journal. The InterAgency Journal provides a forum to inform a broad audience on matters pertaining to tactical and operational issues of cooperation, collaboration, and/or coordination among and between various governmental departments, agencies, and offices. The Journal is published quarterly, […]

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Earlier this year the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) released the Policy for Humanitarian Action. OFDA leads the multi-agency response to disasters overseas by coordinating efforts, partnering with a range of humanitarian actors, and coordinating within the international humanitarian architecture, among other activities, and the policy outlines […]

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This month the U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Labor announced the selection of six new Anti-Trafficking Coordination Teams (ACTeam).  These teams will lead Phase II of the ACTeam Initiative, an interagency effort to streamline federal criminal investigations and prosecutions of human trafficking offenses that began in 2011. The new ACTeams will be based […]

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Last week Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) introduced a bill to the House of Representatives that calls for the creation of a multi-agency federal team to improve and reform federal disaster assistance. The bill, H.R. 4288, was introduced on December 17, and was then referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. For more […]

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The Army is looking for qualified majors and lieutenant colonels to participate in the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College’s (CGSC) Interagency Fellowship Program. The program, a career broadening, educational opportunity for field grade officers, was launched in 2008. The fellowship program now boasts 28 interagency partners, including the Drug Enforcement Administration, the National […]

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The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently published a report reviewing collaboration in critical infrastructure cybersecurity. Critical infrastructure includes financial institutions and energy production, and is vital to U.S. national security, as well as the nation’s economy and public health and safety. These systems are secured by sector-specific agencies (SSAs) following federal policies and the National […]

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