Simons Center News

In July 2014, the FEMA released the Federal Interagency Operational Plans. The plans describe how the federal government aligns resources and delivers core capabilities identified in the National Preparedness Goal…

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September is National Preparedness Month, and many U.S. government departments and agencies and related nonprofits are encouraging Americans to take the necessary steps to ensure they are prepared in the event of a disaster or emergency…

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This June the Department of Defense released its strategy for countering weapons of mass destruction. The strategy emphasizes the importance of cooperating with DoD partners, including other U.S. government departments and agencies…

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In early August the Center for a New American Security released a report examining port recovery efforts during Hurricane Sandy. The report details the public and private sector collaboration that successfully prepared for recovery efforts…

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Navy Rear Admiral John Kirby, Department of Defense Press Secretary, briefed the press Friday, August 22, on the U.S. strategy to confront the threat of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists…

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In a recent interview at NSA headquarters, Cybercom commander Navy Admiral Mike Rogers noted cyber’s crucial role in future DoD operations, and spoke of Cybercom’s training exercises with interagency partners…

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The Stimson Center recently published a report on U.S. drone policy. The report represents a preliminary effort to respond to President Obama’s May 2013 call for constructive new approaches to thinking about the use of drones…

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Last week, the House of Representatives passed three bills aimed at strengthening efforts to combat cyber attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure. These efforts include increased information sharing, advancing cyber technologies, and improving the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity workforce…

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The Bipartisan Policy Center recently released a report warning of myriad cybersecurity and terrorism threats to the United States. The report is a product of former 9/11 Commissioners….

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Earlier this month, 550 participants engaged in Cyber Guard 14-1, a two-week exercise designed to test operational and interagency coordination in the event of a domestic cyberspace incident…

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