Simons Center News

The Simons Center is pleased to announce the winners of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Interagency Writing Awards. Mr. Anthony Volino, a student at the School of Advanced Military Studies receives his award for his monograph titled Leveraging the Trinity: A “Clausewitzian” Framework for Genocide Prevention. Major Hayes Weidman, a student at […]

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In May, the Defense Information Systems Agency released its strategic plan for 2014-2019. The strategic plan outlines DISA’s focus areas, guiding principles, and strategic goals for supporting joint, interagency, and international mission partners…

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Earlier this spring, the Department of Defense released its fifth Quadrennial Defense Review. The QDR seeks to adapt, reshape, and rebalance the U.S. military, and is intended to set the course for the department to address current and future conflicts and threats…

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In April, the Partnership for Public Service released a report calling for major reforms to the federal government’s decades-old civil service system, which does not adequately address today’s complex, interagency challenges…

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On April 22, the State Department announced the launch of its second Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. The QDDR focuses on human rights, democracy, and civilian security, and recognizes the importance of engaging diplomats and development experts…

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The President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons recently released their progress report on combating trafficking in persons. The report reviews their ten strategic objectives and addresses efforts made to combat the trafficking of persons…

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Last month, the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee released a bipartisan report detailing the timeline of last year’s Boston Marathon terrorist attack. The report makes recommendations for improving counterterrorism efforts in the future…

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Last month, law enforcement professionals gathered in Phoenix, Arizona to take part in the Border Security Expo. The Expo included keynote addresses from high ranking representatives from several U.S. government agencies…

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Earlier this year, the Department of the Army released a pamphlet on the subject of engagement. The pamphlet includes a section which calls for Soldiers to be trained to work with host nation security forces, international government organizations, and interagency partners…

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Last week, the State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations published a report detailing CSO’s efforts in its two years in existence. CSO was established in 2011 to improve the effectiveness and coherence of the U.S. government in conflict situations…

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