Simons Center News

Earlier this week, Mark Swayne spoke before the House Armed Services subcommittee on the Department of Defense’s (DoD) role in defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Swayne is the acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for stability and humanitarian affairs in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In […]

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National Security   DHS forms election security task force, Nextgov Trump to Chart Hawkish Course on Iran, Foreign Policy Las Vegas shooting motive remains elusive as new details emerge about attack, The Washington Post The Folly of Tactical Nuclear Weapons, Defense One Recent foreign-born growth counters Trump’s immigration stereotypes, Brookings ‘A significantly weaker America’: Major […]

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The U.S. response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean continues after the storms devastated the area last month. Over 12,000 responders from U.S. federal agencies are involved in response efforts, and U.S. personnel have been working closely with partners from the Commonwealth. Department of Defense (DoD) personnel continue to support Federal […]

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Posted: October 4, 2017 by

Featured article: What Were You Thinking? Biases and Rational Decision Making by Ted Thomas and Robert J. Rielly In general, we expect people to think and act rationally. Market theories, negotiations, and other human endeavors are based on people reacting and thinking in sane, rational ways. It is based on an assumption that we are […]

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National Security   At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 others injured, The Washington Post Senate Foreign Relations chairman: US troops likely in Afghanistan for another decade, Defense News What Went Wrong With France’s Deradicalization Program?, The Atlantic A North Korean ship was seized off Egypt with a huge cache […]

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Posted: September 28, 2017 by

On Sept. 20, Dr. Scott Stephenson, a professor in CGSC’s Department of Military History, delivered a lecture entitled “Total War Comes to the Fatherland: The German Home Front, 1914-1918,” at the Stove Factory event space in downtown Leavenworth, Kansas. The evening began with a small reception for attendees sponsored by First Command Financial Services in […]

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Last week, Navy Admiral Michael S. Rogers, U.S. Cyber Command commander and director of the National Security Agency, spoke at the Air Force Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Conference. The conference took place in National Harbor, Maryland. Rogers spoke about the ever-evolving cyber mission, saying that the Department of Defense needs to accept that change […]

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Featured article: A Call for Synchronization of Civil Information Management by Michael L. Jones Special operation forces (SOF) and interagency partners face unique challenges when conducting civil information management (CIM) within the joint interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) environments. Information management requires a streamlined technologic system that reduces redundant technological platforms for civil information sharing. Currently, […]

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U.S. government agencies continue response and recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Personnel from various federal departments and agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Departments of Defense (DoD) and Health and Human Services (HHS), are focused on life-saving and life-sustaining efforts in Puerto Rico and the […]

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National Security   The Invisible Threat, Foreign Policy Disaster recovery’s essential tool: Data, Brookings New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From Seven Countries, The New York Times Trump’s Newest Travel Ban, The Atlantic IG: Immigration and Border Agency Execs Used Security Details Without Legal Authority, Government Executive After Snowden—surveillance, protecting privacy, and reforming the […]

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